Terry Farrell Firefighter’s Fund Stair Climb on 9/11
Sunday, September 11th was an incredibly rich, rewarding, at times somber and at times even fun day for the almost 20 APHC club members who turned out to honor the heroes who died and those who served and survived the tragedy on 9/11/2001. It was also a day of fundraising to aid those first responders who put their lives on the line for us in Georgia. Not only did almost all of the club members who accepted the challenge to climb 110 flights of stairs make their goal, most made it 112 flights and two others pushed themselves to climb 128 flights. Club climbers were Charlotte Pierce, Sue Lorincz, Jeff Hall, Mandy Carola, Wendy Price, Jeanette Gowen, Susie Amstutz and Bo Shurling. Mandy’s friend Laureli Srery and Susie’s friend Robyn Chapman also climbed with the group. Hope you two enjoyed the day and will consider joining the club.
For all of us who climbed it was tempting to complain about the sore muscles and the dripping sweat until we thought about how 15 years ago men in full gear climbed upwards in stairwells full of smoke and heat not exactly knowing what waited for them many floors up. For 343 it was death. For some who survived, death came later as a result from various causes from what they inhaled or experienced on that day. It was a rewarding and exhausting day but we know we can never repay a debt that is owed to those who put their lives on the line for us every day.

(L to R: Bob Scarboro, Jeanette Gowen, Jeff Hall, Everett Glover, Laureli Srery, Mandy Carola, Sue Lorincz, Susan Oates and Bo Shurling getting ready for the day's events.)
Other activities throughout the day included a firetruck pull contest, a silent auction and a raffle.

(APHC ladies step up to greet the firefighter crew from Britain- tough job but somebody had to do it.(L to R: Women only as somehow they got distracted and claim they failed to get these guy's names. Wendy Price, Laureli Srery, Mandy Carola, Sue Lorincz, Charlotte Pierce and Jeanette Gowen)

(Joel Oates working the raffle table - Imagine that!)
Club members Fredda and Everett Glover, Bob Scarboro, and Susan and Joel Oates volunteered to help with chores of making the Terry Farrell Firefighter’s Fund of Georgia 2016 stair climb a successful event.
Kim Shurling and Gib Amstutz showed up to lend moral support to the climbers and volunteers.
We received an email from event organizer Sue Korsch who said ,”Thank you for all you and your group did to make our day a wonderful success! We hope to see you next year.”
Those who didn’t make it missed out on a remarkable day. Club members who participated said they want to do it again next year. So please think about joining us.

(Charlotte "Rocky" Pierce finishes her 7th round on the stairs)
Your board is very proud of everyone who participated.