Take Me Out to The Ball Game
In addition to a free round of drinks, which were courtesy of The Wing, APHC members who made it to last week's happy hour received free tickets to the Atlanta Braves games this Saturday, September 17th and Sunday, September 18th - some of the last games being played at The Ted. The rain on Sunday didn't dampen spirits as the gang tailgated and had a blast at the game. Remember membership and showing up for events has its benefits! Hope to see you at our next event.
Gloria Pashke takes in the Braves game on Saturday. She is sporting green not for a team but to remind everyone that September 17th is half-way to St. Patrick's Day.
APHC club members and friends party in the parking lot before Sunday's Braves game. Front row from L to R: Brent Jones,Tammy Jones, Mandy Carola, Laureli Srery, and Rebecca Somoza. Back row from L to R : Jeff Hall, Bob Scarboro, Sue Lorincz, Terry Jakubowski Brown and Stuart Vaughn.