Paint Georgia Pink is looking for 12-14 APHC volunteers to help with their Annual Man Olympics on Saturday April 30th. If you can help out please send an email ASAP to chkoons@bellsouth.net
Man Olympics for Paint Georgia Pink
Saturday April 30th at Wild Wing Cafe
3265 Lawrenceville Suwanee Road
Suwanee, GA 30024
Registration begins at 11:00 am.
Torch relay begins at 12:00 pm.
Competition begins at 1 pm.
Man Olympics is a grown-up field day held annually. Participants will compete in 8 events. Football Toss, Putt-Putt, Horse Shoes, Wiffle Ball Home Run Derby, Basketball Free Throws, Washers, Corn Hole and Darts! *** Additional Events include Man vs Food Wing-Eating Contest and a Spirit Wear Competition because "Real Men Wear Pink"! Prizes for each event winner and 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Overall Winners. Food and drinks provided by Wild Wing Cafe of Suwanee. Goody Bags Guaranteed to pre-registered participants.